Bank of Japan governor joins ANU Vice-Chancellor at AJRC reception
Celebrating Professor Brian Schmidt’s first visit to Japan as the ANU Vice-Chancellor, over 140 AJRC friends and ANU alumni gathered at a reception in Tokyo, held at International House Japan on October 4.
Friends from across the business, government and academic spheres joined the Vice Chancellor for the event, where the depth and breadth of ongoing connections with the AJRC were celebrated. Speakers from previous Japan Updates, including Professor Gerry Curtis (Columbia University) the Mayor of Otsu, Naomi Koshi, representatives from the Japanese companies who originally made contributions to the establishment of the AJRC and former visitors and students all joined the reception.
During the evening, guests were treated to speeches from current Bank of Japan Governor, Mr Haruhiko Kuroda, the ANU Vice Chancellor, Professor Brian Schmidt and Ambassador to Japan, Richard Court.
The Vice Chancellor spoke of the long and meaningful connections with Japan built up through the AJRC and highlighted a current AJRC/RSE project which asks whether a HECs style educational finance system might work in Japan.
“Earlier this year I set out a strategic plan for ANU and a key focus of that plan is to continue to build on the substantial impact that our University has had in the Asia Pacific region — our region. A top priority in my job is to ensure that ANU invests in the next group of Drysdales to have deep and longstanding research, teaching and policy engagement with Japan and right around our region with the rest of Asia,” said the Vice-Chancellor.
“Many of you know from first-hand experience what a contribution our HECS system has made to Australia’s national development. Bruce Chapman who is here with us tonight invented HECs and I hope you help us spread the word.”
AJRC hosts a regular reception in every few years to reconnect with the AJRC network of friends and alumni in Japan. Many thanks to all those who joined the reception in 2017.
Updated: 14 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Services Team